Monday, November 16, 2009

Cattle Fed Chicken Poop and Recycled Cow Remains

We drink this and eat that.......
.....& PAY for it !!!
So....what do we get , inside the early morning Milk????
Ever thought about the means of 'organised' feeding of milching Cows at the dairy farms??
Think again.....
Cattle Fed Chicken Poop and Recycled Cow Remains

These guys feed Cows ALL sort of things.WE buy the concentrate of all these shit & trash ...neatly packed & called MILK!!!!
If this happens abroad, with all the stringent rules and specific Laws,
how about here, in India ??

Cities have garbage , on the road side.
The cows are on the road, too, a lot of times. The jay-walking Cows eat the garbage, thrown on the streets by the highly educated and prosperous neighborhood !

....& we say- no asker, no teller...whose fathers what goes?!!!
& we buy the same Milk produced by the same Cows .....

I have been watching this place for YEARS....everyday on my morning walks.

The GARBAGE is dumped faster than the BMP workers can remove it.  you can see that clearly , as the garbage collection vehicle is surrounded by garbage!!

& SOOO much plastic - where do these people GET so much Plastic bags????

and why is it that it is the educated and the informed that use the maximum amount of Plastic??

...feel sorry for the BMP workers- they do their job well....but these residents are so callous and brainless. 
FINE them heavily , BMP!!